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These 12 wool rugs are the perfect way to add a bit of flair to your home

Alvina Wang/BestReviews

Rugs don’t offer the excitement of a hot tub or indoor climbing wall, but they're an important ingredient in any cozy home. Bare floors are noisy and cold, and they can show scuff marks of passing kids and pets. The addition of a rug can unify a room's style as it lowers the volume level. Of the many kinds of rugs, wool offers some distinct advantages.

Shop this article: Leevan Round Wool Area Rug, Momeni Rugs Newport Collection and LR Home Dazzle Area Rug

Why choose a wool rug?

Wool is one of the most popular materials for rugs because of its durability. It is naturally tough and won’t retain impressions of furniture. Wool fibers have tiny spaces within their structure that can absorb and conceal a lot of dust too, so you have to clean a wool rug less often. Wool also has a natural coating of lanolin that makes it stain-resistant and easy to clean.

Are there any disadvantages of wool rugs?

Wool can absorb a lot of moisture, so a wool rug is not a good choice for laundry rooms and basements where water can collect. As tough as a wool rug is, its colors can fade if exposed to direct sunlight. Additionally, wool rugs do shed a bit over time.

Best round wool rugs

Safavieh Blossom Collection Round Rug

This handmade 6-foot round rug works with a variety of decor styles and comes in multiple color combinations.

LR Home Dazzle Area Rug

Made of virgin wool, this round, hand-tufted rug has a latex cotton canvas backing. It features a floral pattern in earthy, natural colors.

Leevan Round Wool Area Rug

This round rug with a 3-foot diameter has a nonslip backing and an abstract pattern. It's machine-washable and designed not to shed.

Dakota Fields Ikat Tufted Wool Ivory/Blue Area Rug

This round, tufted wool rug with a cotton and latex backing is handmade. With faded turquoise and aqua colors, it can match most interior design styles.

Charlton Home Melania Oriental Wool Red/Taupe Area Rug

An oval hand-tufted wool rug with a cotton and latex backing, this has an attractive floral pattern and muted taupe and red colors. It can withstand heavy traffic and has a 3-foot diameter.

Best wool runners and entryway rugs

Three Posts Ashville Oriental Wool Dark Blue Area Rug

This runner-style rug has a half-inch pile and is best in low-traffic areas of your home. It has a cotton and latex backing and a sophisticated dark blue color. You can easily spot clean it with a damp cloth.

Union Rustic Jacques Striped Wool/Cotton Beige Rug

Made of soft, hand-tufted wool with 40% cotton, this runner rug has an appealing variety of textures, offering oversized loops that contrast with flatwoven sections. Its natural creamy colors blend easily with most interior design styles.

Best wool area rugs

Sylvie Chevron Wool Cream/Black Area Rug

This handmade wool rug has a medium pile height and a versatile cream color. It has a flat weave and is suitable for high-traffic areas of the home.

NuLoom Penelope Braided Wool Area Rug

Improve your room with this rectangular area rug made of wool with 20% cotton. It measures 6 by 9 feet and features a hand-tufted weave and a medium pile height.

Astoria Grand Balthrop Oriental Handmade Tufted Wool Red Area Rug

A handmade rectangular rug with a traditional geometric pattern, this is safe for use in homes with floor heating. It has a cotton backing and a rich red coloring.

Langley Street Jahiem Handmade Tufted Wool Multicolor Rug

This rectangular rug has large, hand-woven loops and is available in predominantly navy and green colors. Like most wool rugs, it resists staining. It is also safe for use in homes with floor heating.

Momeni Rugs Newport Collection

This hand-tufted, low-pile wool rug has a soft texture to greet the feet. Its floral pattern on a beige background is reminiscent of the English designer William Morris' work.

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Robin Allday writes for BestReviews. BestReviews has helped millions of consumers simplify their purchasing decisions, saving them time and money.

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