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Which jogging stroller should I get?

What are the best jogging strollers? 

If you love to run and don't want to give it up just because you have a baby to care for, a jogging stroller is the way to go. Jogging strollers are just what they sound like — strollers designed to jog with. They have a range of features to make them easier and safer to use at speed. 

Once a relative rarity, jogging strollers are now extremely popular and you can find hundreds of models on the market, but when you know the features to look out for, it's much easier to choose the right option for you. 

How are jogging strollers different from regular strollers? 

The most obvious difference between standard jogging strollers and conventional strollers is that jogging strollers have three wheels instead of the usual four. This makes it easier to turn at speed while keeping the front wheel locked to prevent the stroller from veering off, potentially into traffic or another hazard. Jogging strollers have air-filled tires to naturally absorb shock instead of solid tires, making the ride more comfortable for your child. What's more, jogging strollers are usually lighter than regular strollers so you have less weight to push while you run.

What features are important in a jogging stroller? 

Look for a jogging stroller with large tires, especially if you plan to jog off-road or on rougher dirt trails, since larger wheels go over bumps more easily and offer a smoother ride for your child. Although it's not essential, a suspension system is also ideal if you intend to run off-road, absorbing the majority of the shock to avoid joggling your baby around. A seat that lies flat or near-flat is great for younger babies or for nap time in babies and toddlers of any age. For your own comfort and convenience, look for a model with height-adjustable handlebars and a drinks holder to give you easy access to your water while you jog. You can find further information in the guide to jogging strollers at BestReviews. 

Best jogging strollers

BOB Gear Alterrain Jogging Stroller

A sleek, well-designed jogging stroller from one of the biggest names in strollers on the market. Parents love the one-hand folding system that's easy to operate even when holding a wriggly baby in the other arm. With a built-in suspension system, this stroller gives your little one a smooth ride even when you venture off the beaten track, while the adjustable handlebar makes it comfortable for users of varying heights.

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Chicco Tre Jogging Stroller

An excellent choice for parents of young children, this model's standard seat comes out and can be replaced with a Chicco KeyFit car seat during the first six months of your baby's life, so there's no need to wait to get back into jogging. However, it's also great as your baby grows and moves onto the standard seat. The handlebar is height and angle adjustable for your comfort and features a caddy for holding your drinks, keys, phone and any other important items.

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Baby Trend Expedition Race Tec Jogging Stroller

This affordable jogging stroller is ideal for parents who don't want to spend too much on a jogging stroller or want to save a chunk of their budget to buy a regular stroller as well. The caddy on the handlebar holds two drinks and a phone. The extending sun canopy protects your baby from the sun while jogging on bright days, but features a peekaboo window so you can easily keep an eye on them.

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Graco FastAction Fold Jogging Stroller

Thanks to its reasonable price tag, this is a popular choice with parents. It might not cost much, but it still has some great features, such as a simple one-second, one-hand folding mechanism and a caddy with drink holders and a phone holder. It accepts all Graco infant car seats, which is great when you have a young baby.

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Chicco Activ3 Air Jogging Stroller in Q Collection

With an excellent suspension system and adjustable handlebar, this stroller centers the comfort of both parent and child. The control console features both swivel and brake controls for your convenience. The reclinable seat is comfortable for little ones while the mesh backrest is especially great on hot days.

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Joovy Zoom X2 Double Jogging Stroller

Parents of twins or of two children close in age don't need to give up on running with this double jogging stroller. The seats adjust and recline separately so you can meet the needs of each child individually. This stroller comes with a suspension system to keep kids comfortable off-road. The soft parent console features two cup holders and a spot for your phone.

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Thule Urban Glide 2 Jogging Stroller

This lightweight jogging stroller features large wheels and a spring suspension system so it can take on almost any terrain you can throw at it. The handlebar is ergonomic and adjustable for your comfort and features a twist brake so you can easily slow yourself when going downhill and park your stroller without reaching down for the brake. You can choose a double option instead of the standard single stroller should you need it.

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BOB Gear Revolution Flex 3.0 Jogging Stroller

With both single and double options available, this stroller offers more choice to parents of twins or with two children of stroller-using age. It's suitable from birth all the way up to 75 pounds, so it will see you all the way through childhood and there's no need to faff around with an infant carrier unless you want to. In addition to the air-filled tires, it features a suspension system to absorb shock.

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Lauren Corona writes for BestReviews. BestReviews has helped millions of consumers simplify their purchasing decisions, saving them time and money.

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